Claire Cullum
CounsellingEMDR PractitionerAbout me
I have worked with and support a number of local organisations and schools and have a background in education. I am a trauma informed practitioner and I offer clients creative ways of exploring experiences and expressing feelings when relevant and appropriate. I can’t promise to take away your pain and distress. However, I can be with you, offer you my presence and empathy and an undertaking to hold and contain difficult emotions with non judgement in a safe space. I am willing to explore with you the aspects of your life that present challenge and difficulty. The working relationship and trust that develops between us may help you find some insight, potential for change and also offer you the opportunity to view yourself and your experience differently, develop your resources and coping strategies, and move forward where you might previously have felt stuck. I am committed to and work hard to promote anti-discriminatory, anti-racist practice.
Tuesday 2.30pm to 8pm
Friday 4.30pm to 7pm
Telephone: 07899 778956