COVID-19 Information
This page is being updated regularly with everything relating to our practice and the guidance we receive.
*** UPDATE ***
Monday 23 March 2020
We will be closing our practice today at 4pm.
Patients and Clients will be contacted directly by their practitioner or therapist.
Please note that for those who are scheduled for non-contact therapy this week i.e. talking therapy, you may be able to maintain your appointment this week only, on two conditions:
– Providing you are not considered at increased risk which will be established between yourself and your therapist based on current government guidelines.
– As long as therapist governing body guidelines and insurers recommendations remain the same, supporting the winding down of face-to-face talking therapy to arrange alternative / remote means of continuity for therapy.
Outside of the above, we are closed to the public. We will review our status of closure on a monthly basis and hope to be open once more.
Be safe, be kind, be hopeful.
Woolpit Complementary
As of Friday 20 March, the government announced the temporary closure (to be reviewed monthly) of various venue and business types, in order to contain the virus and protect the public.
Wellness centres, spas and massage parlours were included in that list.
Please wait to hear more from us at this time. There is a need for clarity in some cases, as our practice is divided by this announcement. Our self-employed practitioners each have independent advice from their respective governing bodies and associations. In some cases they have maintained that it is possible to still see clients until further notice.
On Monday 23 March we will be contacting our local authority and governing bodies to better understand our situation before we take any further action. As such, for those practitioners that have not been advised to temporarily close their practice for face-to-face sessions with clients, we remain open by appointment only, until we can establish whether we can continue on that basis.
Should we need to postpone or cancel existing appointments based on the development of COVID-19 guidance, we will contact practitioners, patients and clients directly and issue a statement here, that will be shared on our social media.
If you would like to postpone or cancel you’re appointment, you are free to do so at any time.
Staying connected: some practitioners will be able to offer telephone and / or online support. This is going to be developed further to ensure that we can still provide a variety of services, where it is feasible to do so.
Remember, those of us at serious risk and should reduce contact with others as much as possible:
- If you have symptoms of fever, cough or other symptoms of COVID-19.
- If you are over 70.
- If you have a chronic condition or are undergoing immunosuppressants therapy.
Please see below for links to both the government website and the World Health Organisation. They are updating their information regularly and meticulously.
General information
Our priority is to ensure public safety and protect those most vulnerable to the virus. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate our intentions regularly.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.
World Health Organisation:
(Last updated 23 March 2020)