Sleep, How much?
‘One who sleeps well restores his energy, revitalises his inner system and tones his muscles’
Li Liweng, 1611-1679
We are all aware of the benefits of regular, quality sleep but how much sleep is enough?
The internet is full of wellbeing sites and even government sites that decree 8 hours as the ‘gold standard’ for sleep even though it is well known we need less sleep as we age, and so this ‘gold standard’ is immediately flawed. In his excellent book ‘Say Goodnight to Insomnia’ Dr Gregg D. Jacobs, a senior researcher and lecturer in insomnia at Harvard Medical School, explains that 5 ½ hours is the requirement for core restorative sleep amongst adults, and this is all we actually need. We are all unique, and whatever sleep we get above this will depend on our individual internal sleep clock, some of us simply cannot sleep more than this, no matter how hard we try or what tablets we take. The 8-hour myth is a great big nocebo (the opposite of a placebo, a negative message that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy) that has caused untold anxiety to many. The anxiety then leads to a genuine insomnia problem: it’s a sure fact that if you think you are going to feel lousy tomorrow because you’ve not had enough sleep, then you will, no matter how much sleep you have actually had!
For many people sleeping pills exacerbate the issue of addiction problems and unwanted side effects. While pharmaceutical companies expand their profits, numerous studies have shown that CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for example, far outweighs medication over the long term in its effectiveness for sleep problems.
There are many tricks and techniques you can use to help you sleep – too many to mention here. If you would like a reminder, try listening to ‘Sleep Well’ with Dr Michael Mosely on BBC Sounds. If you have tried his suggestions and still think that you may need some professional help then it’s time to contact the Centre here, we have a range of therapists that can help you.
Exercise, how much?
‘If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health’
Hippocrates 5th Century BCE.
Once upon a time, exercise was seamlessly woven into the daily fabric of human life. Nowadays however it is possible to live from day to day with the most strenuous exercise being a trip to the fridge. In the business of everyday life, many of us have lost the discipline of taking regular exercise, and this is a problem.
Simply put, regular exercise is great for our health and will lengthen our lives. One large study found that the difference in life expectancy between those whose exercise habits met government guidelines and those who didn’t do any exercise was over 7 years. The type of exercise we do should also change as we age. High intensity aerobic exercise should be replaced with exercise of a more moderate form. More mindful exercise, such as Yoga and Tai-Qui, can also benefit our mental health.
So how much is the right amount? Let’s start with Pheidippides, a professional courier who ran from Marathon to Athens in 540 BCE, having already covered 240 Km in the previous two days, to convey news of a Greek victory. Uttering the famous words ‘Joy! We have won!’ he dropped down dead. This is definitely too much!
The NHS recommendations for exercise can easily be found on the internet at
Everyone seems to have busy lives these days, but these recommendations are achievable and will pay dividends in your health. Whether you consider yourself to be another Pheidippides or more of a couch potato, that is surely worth a little investment of your time!
Sleep well – Move well – Be well!
For details about Mark Taylor and his speciality – Acupuncture, please click here.
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