Mindfulness Helps with Multiple Sclerosis

As detailed on the Multiple Sclerosis Society website, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition which affects around 100,000 people in the UK. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20-40, but it can affect younger and older people too, with roughly three times as many women being diagnosed with MS as men.

Symptoms might include fatigue, vision problems and difficulties with walking, but MS is different for everyone.

Mindfulness meditation has been cited to potentially help people who have MS in reducing the symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and depression. It has been published in The Journal of Chinese Medicine that researchers in Switzerland randomly assigned 150 people with mild-to-moderate MS to either usual care or an eight-week mindfulness meditation course. The study revealed that those who practiced meditation showed reduced fatigue, anxiety and depression, and improved health-related quality of life, compared with this who received usual care only.

There was even evidence six-months on during their follow-up, that meditation intervention still generated positive effects in quality of life.

Orange RibbonIf you would like to find out more about this subject, please contact us or our Mindfulness practitioner Amanda Flood.

Amanda will also be offering 10% off of her training during Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week:

Monday 28 April – Saturday 03 May 2014

There are 3 comments on this post

  1. Zoe Jarrold
    14 hours ago

    I have only recently been diagnosed with ms so it’s all been a bit of a shock for me. However I am very fortunate that I have only had a very slight symptom but I have had a few people recommend mediation, accupuncture & reflexology. I just wondered what you thoughts were and if you’ve treated many people with ms and what you feel the benefits of these treatments are.

    1. Emma Author
      5 hours ago

      Hello Zoe, Michaela – our acupuncturist – has and still treats individuals with MS.
      She would be happy to see you for a free consultation, if you are interested in finding out more?
      All you need to do is call or message us with your availability and we can book you in.
      The consultation only takes 15 minutes and there is no obligation to commit to any form of treatment at all.

      Many thanks,

      Partner & General Manager

      1. Emma Author
        5 hours ago

        Also, it’s worth noting that this consultation can cover more than just the benefits of Acupuncture. Michaela is able to talk through all mediums of complementary therapy that may suit your needs.

        Many thanks

        Partner & General Manager


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