Walking: a worthwhile exercise

Maintaining an active lifestyle is so important to take care of your health and wellbeing. Walking can, for many, be one of the easiest ways to help support your mental and physical health. This quick article from Jade Cumming provides her top tips for getting started, even in the winter months!

Walking outdoors

Winter can be a challenging time, cold days and long nights can make it hard for even the most dedicated exercise enthusiast to stay active. If you are just starting out here are a few tips for walking outdoors that may help you stay active throughout the Winter months.

1. Get out in nature to find joy in your surroundings, the wildlife, the sunsets and sunrises. Town & city walks can be fulfilling too. Take in the history, the buildings and the people around you.

2. If you are planning to go out for a walk monitor the weather. Be sure to check the forecast and dress appropriately.

3. Wear several layers of comfortable clothing so as you become warmer you can remove an item as needed. Layers will help against overheating, sweating & eventually getting colder.

4. Use suitable footwear. A good sturdy pair of shoes/boots or trainers will not only make for a more comfortable walk but also help keep your body safe from injury.

5. Think about your posture. Stand tall with your eyes looking straight ahead and your chin up. Relax your shoulders and arms and gently draw your belly button towards your spine to engage your core muscles. As you walk your heel should strike the ground first and then push off your toe.

6. 150 minutes of moderate activity a week is recommended. Start at a level that is right for you. If you are just starting out, even a few minutes at a time can bring benefits. Aim to build up to at least 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration and/or the number of sessions you do each day.

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